This table goes against the grain in ways that TomCat Customs has not yet attempted. The lines have no symmetry. The wood is unstained. The materials are uncommon. The final product, however, truly does intrigue.
It was designed as a couch table, but, as is par for the course with TCC, it fits almost anywhere that intelligent people are gathered and cold beverages are occasionally shared. It's Eclectic, but in the good way.
We started selling our wares only last year, but we have been building and collecting scraps since George Bush was in charge, GW's father. When we get a chance to revitalize or refinish one of our old builds, or use material that never met its original purpose, we jump at the opportunity.
We found some oddly shaped 1" X 3" tube laying around our shop and we decided to turn it into at least one piece of furniture. We got two. There is a third in the making, but that will remain another story for now. This pieces cousin, The Eccentric, shares the same iron, wood, paint, and finishing touches, yet the two are completely different shapes. The wood is just two boards of Poplar joined in the middle and attached to the iron. We love poplar. This lumber truly expresses the potential beauty and randomness that nature has to offer.
Some people prefer pressed fiberboard and wooden screws. We prefer beautiful grain patterns and strength beyond compare. We are TomCat Customs. We believe in quality, and aesthetics, and pretty things that intrigue people. We're trying to spread the word. Don't be shy, you can scream about it.
The lines almost portray the looks of a neatly wrapped present. We consider it a present to you. Not your everyday couch table, but it is sure to spark conversation. Hopefully the conversation doesn't lead to any arguments. But we're not against a little heated debate. Tread lightly though, and enjoy.
The materials don't have to be different, but the ideas must be. The ability to create anything; to mold out of iron, or wood, or concrete, anything you can think of, anything you think might look nice, is an ability that should be shared. That's what we're trying to do here people. That's TomCat Customs.
“I think I’m unique to the game, ‘cause of my versatility.”